Показвания предишния месец

петък, 30 декември 2011 г.

1905 Newspaper "Debar"

Debar 5 June 1905

Debar 2 July 1905

Debar 6 Avgust 1905

Debar 3 Sept 1905

1906 Newspaper "Debar"

Debar 1 April 1906

Debar 3 Yune 1906

Debar 19 Avgust 1906

Debar 2 Sept 1906

1909 Newspaper "Debarski Glas"

Debarski Glas 5 April 1909

Debarski Glas 3 May 1909

Debarski Glas 7 June 1909

Debarski Glas 5 July 1909

Debarski Glas 2 Aug 1909

Debarski Glas 6 Sept 1909

Debarski Glas_4_Okt_1909

Debarski Glas 7 Nov 1909

Debarski Glas 6 Dec 1909

1910 Newspaper "Debarski Glas"

Debarski Glas 9 Jan 1910

Debarski Glas 5 Feb 1910

Debarski Glas 6 Mart 1910

Debarski Glas 4 April 1910

Debarski Glas 4 May 1910

Debarski Glas 9 June 1910

Debarski Glas 5 July 1910

Debarski Glas 4 Sept 1910

Debarski Glas_2_Okt_1910

Debarski Glas 7 Nov 1910

1911 Newspaper "Debarski Glas"

Debarski Glas 30 Jan 1911

Debarski Glas 6 Feb 1911

Debarski Glas 6 Mart 1911

Debarski Glas 3 April 1911

Debarski Glas 1 May 1911

1903-1905 "Macedonia" magazine

Macedonia Magazine April 1903

Macedonia Magazine 1904-2-6

Macedonia Magazine 15 April 1904

Macedonia Magazine May 1904

Macedonia Magazine Sept VII

Macedonia Magazine Okt VIII

Macedonia Magazine Nov IX

Macedonia Magazine X

Macedonia Magazine May 1905

Macedonia Magazine June

Macedonia Magazine July 1905

Macedonia Magazine Avgust 1905

1904 "Makedonska Zora"

Makedonska Zora_1904_2-3

Makedonska Zora_1904_2-4

Makedonska Zora_1904_2-5

1911 Newspaper "Vardar"



1912 Newspaper "Vardar"


Vardar April 1912

Vardar May 1912

Vardar June 1912

Vardar Sept 1912

понеделник, 10 октомври 2011 г.

четвъртък, 6 октомври 2011 г.

Petar Darvingov

Petar Darvingov was born in Kukush (today Kilkis, Macedonia (Greece)) in 1875. He graduated Bulgarian Men's High School in Solun (Thessaloniki) in 1892. He continued his education in the Military School in Sofia, graduated it in 1896 with honors and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. In 1900 Darvingov was promoted to the rank first lieutenant.

Petar Darvingov joined Supreme Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Committee and in 1902, during the uprising in the region of Gorna Dzumaya headed a military detachment. During the Ilinden uprising in 1903 Darvingov was a military organizer of the bands of IMORO. Asvoivode of the revolutionary district of Seres he fought in the region of Melnik.

After the uprising Darvingov returned to Bulgaria and do a real service in the Bulgarian army. In 1906 he was promoted in rank of rotmistar (captain). In 1909 he graduated military academy in Turin, Italy. On May 18, 1911 Darvingov was promoted to the rank of Major and appointed assistant chief of the Intelligence Department in the headquarters of the Bulgarian Army. Darvingov took part in the First Balkan war, as with the Order № 5 September 25, 1912 issued by the head of the headquarters of the army Major General Ivan Fichev, Darvingov was appointed Chief of Staff of Macedonian-Adrianopolitan Volunteer Corps. On May 18, 1915 Darvingov was promoted to the rankLieutenant Colonel.

During the First World War (1915-1918) Darvingov was an organizer and in 1916 Chief of Staff of Eleventh Macedonian infantry division, completed by Bulgarians from Macedonia. In May 1916 Darvingov as colonel was appointed commander of the 1st Regiment of the 11th Macedonian division. One year he received the appointment of Chief of Staff of Moravian military region, which position remained to 1918. On August 15, 1917 he was promoted in rank of Colonel.

On November 4, 1918 Darvingov was transferred to the reserve and was engaged in scientific and public activity. His research interests were related to military history. Darvingov book "History of the Macedonian-Adrianopolitan Volunteer Corp" is one of the first studies on a single Bulgarian military unit and still is regarded as the best work dedicated to the corps.

Darvingov was honorary President of the Association of Macedonian-Adrianopolitan voluteers, as well as president of the Society of the Bulgarian publicists and the Bulgarian Association of military writers.

понеделник, 1 август 2011 г.

Marthe D-r Tatarcheff

1933 "APPEL des Femmes Macediniennes aux peuples libre et a la conscience internationale"

неделя, 17 юли 2011 г.

понеделник, 9 май 2011 г.